Advance Chiropractic (KST)

Developed by Dr. Tedd Koren, this revolutionary approach to the analysis and correction of the body's energetic and nerve interferences and imbalances consists of 3 steps:  The 3 C's.

Challenge - This is the first part of the analysis prodecure.  In a relatively short period of time the entire structural system can be checked;  skull, spine, discs, hips, ribs, sternum, shoulders, arms, legs, hands. feet, organs, glands, and valves.  Literally, anything that is out of balance can be analyzed.

Check - This is step two.  This tells me if the body is in proper position. The base of the skull is used as a yes/no binary feedback mechanism called the Occipital Drop (OD). With the OD we are able to ask the body's inborn wisdom where the subluxations are to be found and in order of priority so they can be reduced or eliminated in a way that is most beneficial to the restoration of energetic harmony and increased health.

Correct - This is step three.  The adjustment (correction of the subluxation) is accomplished through the use of a hand held instrument called the ArthoStim**.  The ArthoStim delivers a very gentle low force, precise correction without any discomfort, as is often objected to with other adjusting techniques.  There is no "twisting or cracking of bones" involved in KST.  The body will only allow the practitioner to make the corrections that are most beneficial at any time.  As a result, there is no overadjusting and adjustments tend to hold much longer.

**The ArthoStim is an FDA approved instrument developed by IMPAC Technology in Oregon and has been continuously refined and perfected over its 28 year history.  It introduces Energy/Force/Information to the body to realign segments and remove nerve pressure at the speed of 12 "taps" per second (12 hertz).  It is fast, accurate, low force, and controlled adjustment.

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8:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-4:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-4:00 pm




8:00 am-12:00 pm

1:00 pm-4:00 pm







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